Saturday, August 1, 2009


I've decided not to write the Warrior Code on this post, but the NEXT one. Here's a Mini Story called, DANGER. Now we go back, long ago, in JungleClan territory...

On one fine newleaf (Spring time) day, in Jungleclan territory, Hunterclaw, a brown-furred tom, was joining the sun-high (mid-day) patrol. He was a warrior, yes, a strong one. His dark green eyes glittered bright in the sunlit camp.
He sat next to Forestpelt and Ravenpaw, some of his Clanmates.
"Where is Flameclaw?" growled Ravenpaw. Flameclaw was the deputy of JungleClan. "Isn't he supposed to lead the patrol?"
"Yes," Hunterclaw sighed. "He's late...again."
"I bet he's with Rainstar," Rainstar was the leader of JungleClan. "he always is." Forestpelt hissed.
"I'm here." Flameclaw came trotting up to the patrol, his ginger striped pelt glowing in the sun.
"About time!" Hunterclaw meowed.
"Rainstar had important news for me. Top secret." Flameclaw meowed.
"Well, let's get going. We don't have until moon-high!" Ravenpaw mewed.
"You are correct, young apprentice. Let's go."
They bounded out of the camp and out into the bushy jungle. They ran along, catching some prey along the way. They tracked passed the SkyClan border line, toward the panther's den. Yes, there was a panther living in JungleClan territory. And it was newleaf, so there would be cubs. The patrol was to make sure the cubs were not born here, to chase the mother away before she has her babies.
Hunterclaw sniffed around the panther den. Milk. Hmm...the mother panther must've already had her cubs!
"Milk scent!" spat Hunterclaw, alerting the others.
"Ugh! Now there's panther cubs running around!" hissed Flameclaw. "Let's try and find them."
The patrol explored all through their territory, but all they found was more scent. They gave up soon, and began tracking back to the camp.
Hunterclaw padded behind Flameclaw quietly, just staring at the ground. His stomach suddenly rumbled.
Snap! Crack...crack...
Hunterclaw heard the noise behind him, and he whipped around. Nothing was there. He thought he had heard something walked behind him...oh well. He padded on.
The patrol walked into camp, and headed for the fresh-kill (recently killed prey) pile.
"PANTHER CUBS!" a cat suddenly shreiked, making Hunterclaw jump into the air. He landed and looked around quickly.
In the entrance of the camp, were two, big, lumbering panther cubs. They weren't being agressive, they sort even looked like they just wanted someone to play with.
They barged right in and scampered into the middle of camp. Every cat was still like statues.
"No b-body move," Flameclaw meowed. "I don't think they mean any harm." Suddenly, a much, much bigger black shape charged into the camp. The mother panther.
Her jaws were open, her lips were curled, showing all of her pearly white fangs. The panther spat and hissed, and let out a terriflying snarl.
"Attack!" Hunterclaw heard Rainstar yowl. He leaped into battle, along with many other warriors beside him.
Hunterclaw landed on the panther's back, and he dug his claws in. He held on tight while the panther turned and twisted around, swatting at other cats.
The mother panther turned her head around, her yellow gaze locked on Hunterclaw. She flipped over in the air, and swung her paws at him. Hunterclaw lost his grip and fell to the ground.
He rolled out of the way of the panther's massive paws, and ran to Rainstar.
"I think she thinks we've stolen her cubs! But really they just followed the patrol here!" she hissed.
"The cubs think we're playing with them," Hunterclaw panted, watching the cubs jumpa round with the frightened warriors. "Maybe if we show them we're not playing around, they'll run off! Then m-maybe the mother will follow them!"
"Worth a shot," Rainstar meowed, darting forward toward the cubs.
Hunterclaw watched Rainstar attack the cub, scratching it's muzzle. The cub squeaked and ran off out of the camp. The other cub followed.
The mother panther dashed off after her babies.

Later on, after the battle with ther panthers, Hunterclaw was rewarded for his brilliant plan to get the panthers away.

And that's the end of the DANGER Mini Story! Hoped you liked it, until next time. ~Jumpingfawn

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